By life sucks - 20/05/2010 05:12 - United States

Today, I learned my boyfriend has another girlfriend. His excuse is he's bipolar and each of his personalities needs a girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 782
You deserved it 5 081

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh wow... he could've at least said he had a multiple personality disorder... doesn't bipolar deal with your moods? I could be wrong here though...

But the point is, they are both still Jake. Just two sides of the same coin. If it was someone with DID, then there wouldbe Jake, Ben, Vlad, Mary, etc. Depends on how many personalities there are. The OP's bf (hopefully ex) is an idiot. Period.


smariebow 0

Well obviously he was lying... If he had multiple personalities, hed know the difference.

Ragsy, your an idiot. People with bipolar are not idiots. I can't believe this stupid entry actually got posted.

Kelly81486 0

I agree I am bipolar an have a personality disorder. But the guy should have read up on the symptoms an description of his issues. Cause yea bipolar has nothing to do with split personalities or anything to do with different "side" of you! But good luck with crock of shit story!!!!

hahaha! ur bf or ur ex by now Is a funny dude

racheybabeyy5423 2

Haha, this made me laugh.. Nice excuse.

tbby143 0

thats bipolar for you. wait i mean a bipolar douche bag (:

What a jerk...if you're using a serious disorder as an excuse, at least use it properly. -.-

Wow, kudos to you for finding the one loser who can't keep his disorders straight. Seriously, do yourself a favor, find out the facts, call him on his BS, and then dump his ass. He's just making it up, and betting that you're too stupid to know the difference. But either way, serial cheating is still cheating. And in the end, you always look like the bigger fool for staying with him, because he treats you like that. Dump the dumb@$$. Let some other bimbo be charmed by his "knowledge of mental disorders". Maybe she won't mind being girlfriend #47. :-D

Warlord708 0

Bipolar and MPD are complete different things... FYL for having a bad boyfriend. FHL because he is obviously a moron.