By life sucks - 20/05/2010 05:12 - United States

Today, I learned my boyfriend has another girlfriend. His excuse is he's bipolar and each of his personalities needs a girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 782
You deserved it 5 081

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh wow... he could've at least said he had a multiple personality disorder... doesn't bipolar deal with your moods? I could be wrong here though...

But the point is, they are both still Jake. Just two sides of the same coin. If it was someone with DID, then there wouldbe Jake, Ben, Vlad, Mary, etc. Depends on how many personalities there are. The OP's bf (hopefully ex) is an idiot. Period.


honeybee366 0

he's thinking of the wrong personaltiy disorder. nice try...

Awww, you should tell him your bipolar and match your "personalities" with his.

christineis_lame 0

whoever this boyfriend was obviously didn't know his information. he should've said he had multiple-personality disorder...what an idiot :. bipolar is mood swings.

theTwoFacedAngel 2

#276 Is right Bipolarity is a disorder that causes drastic mood swings at semi-regular intervals, what the bf was thinking of was split personality disorder

wudnt that be multipersonality disorder, not bipolar disorder?

Sam_13161821 0

makes sense to me... im bipolar & i only have one boyfriend, but when i have certain personalities i kinda wish he wasnt.

tchaikovsky93 0

bipolar is very different from multiple personality disorder. CREATIVITY FAIL. Either way, FYL

so that mighta worked, if he knew the different personality disorders. He could've said he has: multiple personality, schizophrenia, etc. not bipolar. bipolar has nothing to do with BI-personality..lmao.

Your boyfriend is a terrible liar. He should at least look up psychological disorders on wikipedia or something before he pretends to have them (because, as I'm sure people have said before, bipolar disorder has nothing to do with multiple personalities... actually, that disorder is now called Dissociative Identity Disorder...).