By Loser - 12/05/2009 22:05 - United States

Today, I learned that I have carpal tunnel syndrome. I got it from playing too much World of Warcraft. I got a disease in real life by living in a virtual world. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 158
You deserved it 151 571

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you can't say "**** my life" if you don't HAVE a life

Remember to take all things in moderation, including World of Warcraft :)


Marie77_fml 0

I am so using this to aid me in getting one of my best friends to quit World of Warcraft. I believe he has a problem.

j1026 0

World of warcraft is the SHIZZI'mlvl 71 human rogue on lightbringer :) Sorry for the CPS

j213_fml 0

and yet u go online to to tell everyone this

YeahCool 0

I'm sure 4/5 people commenting on this spend hours a day on FML to make fun of other people. So grats to all who try to sound bad4ss in your comment. WoW is fun, Alliance FTW, GG, QQ, all that jazz.

baby_love 0

you reallyyyy need to get out more -_- ydi for being a loser

Wildcard 0

ydi for playing world of warcrack !!!

You fail at life, and need to get laid. YDI

b5200 0

Maybe all of you play too much real life and not enough WoW. If it' fun in the long run it's what you should probably be doing. Which is pretty much what everyone's doing anyway, why do you work? To have money for necessities and to spend on stuff for fun. He has found something that to him is fun and therefore worth doing. This coming from a socially active person who doesn't play WoW.

......and you're typing this....... WoW is addicting and it's pretty fun. I'm not going to assume you have no life by playing WoW, I play it sometimes and I still have a life. Just stop playing as much. I'm a noob, I know, but alliance FTW raid with 10 year olds!