By Anonymous - 05/01/2010 07:16 - United States

Today, I learned that my boyfriend waits 'til I am asleep to wack off to porn on the internet. We haven't had sex in months because he doesn't want to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 075
You deserved it 3 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lucky_Adi 0

has he been looking at gay ****?

mattgotest2 0

He's obviously become obssesed and needs help. It's not necessarily you.


kelleyb323 0

the exact same thing happened to me. I'm sorry I know how it feels :(

you need a new boyfriend and a new face/body too by the sounds of it.

andythecurefan 0

whatch it with him... I do with my boyfriend and he loves it... I always end up getting it

rinzy 3

yeah, I know how you feel. F both our lives

perdix 29

The Internet **** is just a smokescreen. He's ******* someone else. Either that, or you have become just that repulsive to him. No, he's getting it elsewhere.

boo ******* hoo.. YDI for not washing that ass.. I bet you reek of pizza and French fries .. FYL indeed.. follow me on twitter @ServeRocks

audi00 0
dancinmama319 0

That's not unsusual for a guy to do that. Alot of women don't know their man is doing it-but they are. Men hide it. Don't let anyone tell you different. Alot of women have a problem with their man masturbating, period which problem #1! Women need to get over it because their man is going to do and are naive to think he is not. And women will never be able stop it. To think different is ignorant. Also, If the **** is not at your house openly, it's at his mother's house, father's house, garage/shop, etc. The problem here is, you should have an "in depth discussion" about it. Let him know it's not a problem as long as he is "taking care" of you aswell. If that doesn't at least help some, then you've got a problem. If you have a problem with him "having his alone time" then you've got an even bigger problem-you. Also something else to think about: As my mother always told me, if he's not getting it from you then he's getting it from somewhere.

sasha_barnes 0

agree alot with this statement. Also, if he is outright choosing it over you only it could be because there is some fetish/kinky thing in it that he needs/wants. I have a boyfriend of 3 years who for the last 5months almost everyday comeshome from work to go **********, even if i am ready willing and wanting (those days it still can bug me). IT used to bug me a bit, but the reality is since about 5 months ago he has been knowticing other females more, so as long as he only jerks off to them and ***** me i am okay with that. The other fact is he has one fetish that i am not comfertable with, not even after all this time. He doesnt push me to do anything about it because he does have a WIDE selection of video's with other females acting it out and in situations like that then it makes sence to me since hell i watch **** now and then to.... and i am not generaly watching **** of guys i am looking at the girls so we each have something we can really only get from ****. However yes, if he is choosing that over you all the time that can be really hurtfull. Not sure what advice to give there other then talk with him. I pointed out to my guy he feels hurt when he wants sex and i dont, so when i as the female put myself out there and he chooses the **** over me then it crushes me. Things are better now, still does it but i try to not get myself wanting sex untill he is at least been home a few hours, and keep busy while he is "busy" haha.