By Anonymous - 05/01/2010 07:16 - United States

Today, I learned that my boyfriend waits 'til I am asleep to wack off to porn on the internet. We haven't had sex in months because he doesn't want to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 075
You deserved it 3 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lucky_Adi 0

has he been looking at gay ****?

mattgotest2 0

He's obviously become obssesed and needs help. It's not necessarily you.


That really sucks. My boyfriend does the same exact thing. He turns me down for sex then wacks off instead. it's the guy who has issues. Pig.

NineeCat 32

And people say pornography isn't a problem...

Maybe you should break up with him. Obviously he cares a lot more about his own needs than yours. On the other hand, I feel like if it was a woman denying sex to a man nobody would have a problem with it...

SimoneTaylor1994 15
dragoongirl90 34

This had been every guy I've been with until my boyfriend now. Pretty sure your guy is gay, OP.

So dump his lazy ass. Then he can do it whenever he wants.

gatorgirl7563 22

plug the internet box into an electric outlet timer