By Anonymous - 05/01/2010 07:16 - United States

Today, I learned that my boyfriend waits 'til I am asleep to wack off to porn on the internet. We haven't had sex in months because he doesn't want to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 075
You deserved it 3 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lucky_Adi 0

has he been looking at gay ****?

mattgotest2 0

He's obviously become obssesed and needs help. It's not necessarily you.


Then it's his fault for not saying anything! How else is someone supposed to get better at satisfying their partner if they don't speak up?!

if it bothers you and is causing problems in the relationship.... visit. go the the message boards. There are message boards designed to help and support people in similar situations. I am just beginning to get over **** being a part of my boyfriends life. My ex had a serious addiction to ****, and when i found out my current boyfriends watches it once in a while i freaked out... sometimes it takes alot of support to get through this. good luck

bye bye boyfriend. Plenty more where that came from!

that sucks ! maybe you should get things to make it better for him !

I've done the samething. It's because the sex is boring. If your using condoms stop! Get on the pill and let him bear back. Cuming inside is the best. Start ******* like they do in ****. Watch a normal **** with him and copy what they do! it'll be fun!

I'm with #30... seeing the same with my significant other.

honestly, everyone is right in their own ways n opinions but to be honest an ex was doing this and months pass with no sex. its true if hes not doing you or gettin it he is getting it from elsewhere. sadly that my ex ha another women on the side. so yeah its all that fantasy phase hes prob going thru and the preg part freaks him out and since a hooker has nonproblems in being pregnant she lets him cum inside. i would consider serious talk with the guy.

I'm with #30 too - I was in a relationship like this for faaaar too long. get out now.

llhot_e 0

ahem. u dumped his ass, right?