By megxox - 16/07/2009 07:26 - Canada

Today, I learned that when you flush the toilet, the contents do not disappear into oblivion. They show up in your basement when your sewer backs up. And they come in greater numbers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 635
You deserved it 4 208

meg_xox tells us more.

So this is my FML (and I'm pretty overjoyed that it actually got accepted), but to everyone who is talking about the pipes...this is a house we're renting and we didn't know that the pipes were OLD (not cheap). And our landlord never fixed them because it would cost about $17,000 to redo everything. So we had to deal with it. And we found this out AFTER the basement was flooded. So while I appreciate your attempt to insult me, didn't really work =)

Top comments

I absolutely love how you worded this.

shewasalmost18 0

shit happens. it happens to show up in your basement too


pwnrzero 0

eh, at least your not moving away in 2 weeks because your dad is a financial crook

Veldan 1

Happened to me two weeks back, you haven't lived until you've seen a shit fountain. These oftne occur when you open the service ahtch to relieve the pressure and remove the clog.... FUN! FYL...

cRothabeast 0

into oblivion? what are you stupid??

LOL I moderated this, I LOLed so badly

omg, LMAO. this FML is like THE funniest one. you wrote it really well. :)

LOL I can't stop laughing now... awesome way of describing it!

When we were doing renovations, I was so sick that I couldn't pull myself away from the toilet because I was constantly vomiting. That was when our sewers backed up. So I basically had to go down to the nearest Toys R Us to use the bathroom. Trust me, I know how you feel.