By teeeessst - 13/12/2009 06:26 - United States

Today, I listened to a woman take an extremely fragrant crap while I waited for my pregnacy test result in the Target bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 863
You deserved it 26 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surely you could have waited until you were at home to take the test....

...why the Target bathroom? As opposed to the privacy of your own bathroom...?


hayleyukulele 0

white trash annoyed with other white trash. hmmmm....


Wow. Its crazy how everyone's downing this person for taking a PT in a target bathroom... Maybe it's a younger person and they're scared or maybe this person is on their way to their b/fs house and wants to know before they get there. Who cares? Either way you people are f*cking rude.

OMG someone took a dump in the bathroom. Call the frigging police! Get over it Princess. If you are knocked up your baby won't be ******** roses in those diapers you will have change for the next couple of years.

She is a raging **** because anyone else would have been embarrassed enough, if they couldn't take the test at home, to use a bathroom like in a gas station that has a door, sink, toilet set up and not stalls. Pregnancy tests in a stalled bathroom unless someone is guarding the door seems to be a fairly decent indication of lack of decency which indicates **** to me too

get off your high horse you're saying if you had to pick between target and a random gas station, you'd pick the gas station? Well, aren't you the definition of class.

I took my pregnancy test (after being diagnosed as infertile) in a Target restroom. The whole time I heard two teenage girls speaking the way they speak (if you know what I mean) about the stupidest s*it and after crying my eyes out, hoped it would not be a girl. It was, but I feel blessed to this day. Just thought it was awesome that I was not the only one in the Target bathroom peeing on my stick.

youdeservedit1 0

no there are other unclassy people just like you, be happy!

I work at a starbucks that is located inside a target. I know now why when I go into the bathrooms at target that there is pee everywhere! Because people do everything and anything in there. I feel bad that you did it in there but be happy you did not have to do it outside. Or that you had a test at all to take. Oh and I swear 8 our of 10 times I use the bathroom at work there is someone taking a nasty shit in there. It is like they hold their shit til they go to target.

IMB916 0

Bathrooms are for crapping in, genius. People can't always control their bowel movements, i suggest YOU be less crude and take a pregnancy test in ur own home. unless this is a daily thing for you..?

Gasperilla 0

haha, I got to hear a lady deal with her diarrhea in a target bathroom. totally unexpected.

ummmm #21, what you need to do is go back to 1st grade and learn some basic spelling. FYI it's definitely, not deffinatly.