By stupid - 26/05/2015 06:54 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I lost a book. I'd used my credit card as a bookmark. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 227
You deserved it 51 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for using something that important as a bookmark

So i guess buying a new book is out of the question.


amileah13 26

I feel sorry that you lost your credit card but YDI for using it that way.

Dude just tear off a piece of paper or fold the corner of the book, don't use your freaking credit card. YDI

You totally deserved it... With all due respect, only idiots use credit cards for bookmarks

Why the hell would you use your credit card as a bookmark?!?!!! Sorry to tell you but you are so f***ing stupid. You deserve to have that shit happen to you.

Who uses a credit card as a bookmark, just use a page out of a phone book, no one'll miss it then

But.... why did that seem like a good idea?