By ThisGirl - 21/08/2012 02:30 - United States - Kennesaw

Today, I lost two terabytes' worth of photos to a friend's incompetence. He said he could save me some money and fix my slow computer for free. He ended up wiping the hard drive, and along with it, my photography portfolio from the last five years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 298
You deserved it 16 468

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why you have an external hard drive to save these important things onto when you are letting someone unqualified (I'm guessing) mess with your stuff.

theslimshadylp 6

Holy shit five years? I would give your friend the wrath of God if I were you.


lovebeecharmer 6

This really sucks, but why u no backup dumbass!?

1. Should have backed it up. 2. Should have invested the extra money on something so important. 3. Did the thought not occur that your 2TB of photos might be the thing slowing your computer down? 4. Calling your friend incompetent is hypocritical for someone who stored 5 years worth of work on one hard drive without backing it up. Go and pay someone to see what they can recover for you, and next time don't be so stingy about investing in your work. Oh yes, and back, back, back it up, yo.

YDI for not having a backup of 5 years worth of work. USB flash drives cost about $10 dude. Seriously...

Wait a sec...who's incompetent? Who didn't have a backup?

No backup??? Yep... Looks like it's half your fault hih?

Always back it up on a thumb drive even with professionals

HOLLLLLLLLLLLLY BALLLLLLLLLS I'm a photographer too. I literally screamed until I cried when someone dropped my external hard drive and it crashed. I was able to recover 75% but it's still a major heart attack! Take that hard drive to a specialist and they CAN recover it I guarantee it. It's only all over written with 0s and 1s. All they have to do is go down a layer and back it all up. Trust me I've had it done before to a"wiped out" drive. Your stuff is still there trust me.

There is no excuse for not having backups of important data. No one wants to spend money on equipment or services that you "don't need," but the more important the information is to you, the more secure you need to make it. That means making copies of your data somewhere - to a flash drive, an external disk or to the cloud.

The hardrive can never totaly wieped. you can still retrieve everything.