By Anonymous - 24/07/2015 16:05 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, I'm grieving over the death of my best friend of 9 years. My mom wasted no time arriving at the conclusion that I must be hormonal and pregnant with his child. Apparently it's not normal for a woman to cry so much over a man, unless they've been fucking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 031
You deserved it 1 957

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry to hear that. That really ******* sucks.

Maybe you should talk to your mom about appropriate behavior after the death of someone close...


Britt125 16

I'm so sorry OP, for your loss and for your mother's reaction which is not something you need right now. I can't imagine losing my best friends, male or female, it would just be devastating. Lean on those who can be more supportive and try not to listen to your mother's idiotic comments... don't let her bring you down.

Friend zoned for 9 years? That would kill anyone

I am so sorry for your loss. It must be absolutely terrible..


ugh! why can't people just understand that not everyone is having sex with their friends?! In the 9th grade one of my friends killed himself and my crying "wasn't normal" according to the school counselor and she insisted my mother make me attend bi weekly "talks" which were literally her trying to make me confess that we had sex, when I was a virgin at the time. thankfully my mom let me stop going after she realized the lady was a nutjob.

tarlax 11

I'm so sorry for your loss. Ignore these insensitive asscunts here trying to make jokes about your pain.

Kristyanne 13

I'm very sorry for your loss you need to tell your mom that just because he was a man doesn't mean you can't care about him and cry over him you had known him for a long time you are in my prayers

As someone who lost her best friend 2 years ago, I understand how you feel. Clearly your mom never had a true friend and is more to be pitied.

I'm so sorry for your loss and hope you can recover despite your mom