By RyoKioKio - 24/10/2014 19:26 - United States - Medina

Today, I'm horribly out of shape. My arms are sore, almost like I'd been doing heavy lifting yesterday. Nope. It just was from squeezing cupcake icing out of a tube. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 560
You deserved it 12 856

RyoKioKio tells us more.

RyoKioKio 21

First off, you guys have genuinely made me laugh, even the less than kind comments have been hilarious. To clarify: the tube of icing in question was snagged from a discount bin because the decorating tip was broken, and an improvised opening with a knife was required. I didn't gouge a hole in it because I was spelling something out and I didn't feel like getting icing everywhere. In regards to my weight, I'm honestly not that athletic, I am a bit on the plush side, and yes, I do need to work out more (I go on daily walks around the neighborhood with my dog as a start). Baby steps, right?

Top comments

Baby steps are good. :) I'm skinny but flabby and out of shape, and walking my dog is the best exercise I can make myself do. I'd probably wear myself out doing the same. Keep up the good work!

Lucky! My daily exercises only include banana peeling and taking the cap off soda drinks.


Am I the only one who didn't picture OP chugging the icing? I thought they were just working with royal icing because that stuff is a bitch to squeeze.

I think people assumed she used writing icing (or royal, any in a little tube), but pictured her chugging the whole batch of cupcakes.

WasabiMars 21

This reminds me of that one episode where Spongebob tried to lift a long dumbell with 2 teddybear plushies. Anyway it's never too late to start getting in shape OP.

That's almost as hard as heavy lifting.

LostInTheZone11 29

I'm with you. I have low muscle tone, and my arm got tired when I was holding a mixing bowl over a pan for a cake I made today.

Sorry I'm not that knowledgeable with exercise can people really be that unfit? Just wondering.

In seriousness, it's a hand strength issue (and the tensing while doing it possibly), rather than overall fitness.

If youre that out of shape you have a serious issue

brendejafulable 41

The icing made you this way. Karma.

I'm still waiting for the fapping reference. Come on Follks!! There's a really good joke here somewhere.

RyoKioKio 21

First off, you guys have genuinely made me laugh, even the less than kind comments have been hilarious. To clarify: the tube of icing in question was snagged from a discount bin because the decorating tip was broken, and an improvised opening with a knife was required. I didn't gouge a hole in it because I was spelling something out and I didn't feel like getting icing everywhere. In regards to my weight, I'm honestly not that athletic, I am a bit on the plush side, and yes, I do need to work out more (I go on daily walks around the neighborhood with my dog as a start). Baby steps, right?

Baby steps are good. :) I'm skinny but flabby and out of shape, and walking my dog is the best exercise I can make myself do. I'd probably wear myself out doing the same. Keep up the good work!

Discount cart or not those icing tubes suck. So freaken hard to get anything out. It's way less effort to actually make icing and put it in a proper piping bag if you have the time.

I've always thought the issue was getting the icing the right consistency for writing. Spreading/topping fine, but piping thickness is a pain. It just seems nightmarish. And homemade colours are usually more pastel-ish.

I'm somewhat in shape and those things are still a pain. I give you props for the baby steps though. Something is better than nothing more than I can say for a lot of people I know.