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By murphx3x - 05/03/2010 20:22 - United States

Today, my grandma's cat peed on my full leg cast. The closest doctor was a three hour drive away. So my grandma wouldn't take me at all the whole weekend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 367
You deserved it 2 256

murphx3x tells us more.

hey im the one who did this post.. so to explain all of this, i wasn't in pennsylvania at the time. thats just where i live now. my grandma lives in alaska. she lives in like a really isolated cabin area. it doesn't even have running water. she likes it out there. and 3 hours is a exageration. its actually two hours. yet again with my grandma's really beat up car and well, her slow driving, it takes us about 3 hours. and yes its safee for her to live out there by herself (and my grandpa) because they are both very very healthy. and not that old. she's a little over 50 and my grandpa is only 40 cause he just got married to her. and for everyone who's wondering, I WAS ASLEEEP. i woke up due to the terrible smell. my grandma made me stay in a serperate room and my plane ride was on monday morning and i had some trouble with the plane ride and getting through security. i had to put a huge plastic bag over it and lets just say, THANK YA FEBREEZE. but in the end, i came home and my first stop was the hospital. i hope everyone got a good kick out of it though. cause i didn't. not to mention cell phone service was real bad out there, and my mom made me stay to keep my grandparents company (she thinks its bad that they are so isolated.) oh and you have to go to the doctors to get the cast off. theres no way that smell is gonna get out. although i wish i had known about the vinegar trick before. and for anyone who doesn't have a cat, STFU. it smells like death. ughh it was prettty bad, and also thank the lord for nose plugs.

Top comments

PsychoMerk 0

I wouldve kicked the cat with the same leg -_-

XanimalloverX 0

Don't kill the cat. Cats pee it's apart of their daily routine the cat didn't have time to find the litter box. All the people who say kill the cat Your mean! You don't kill a cat for peeing! You pee everyday ! So if you had a baby and the baby peed on you would you kill the baby?


Unless the OP stood there and let it pee on them for awhile, it's not a big deal. Just dry it off and rub something good smelling on it.

I don't get how you let a cat pee on you. Were you sleeping or unaware of its presence for some other reason? It seems like you should've been able to stop it at first squirt.

i agree i hav catzz but they dnt pee all ovah me lol

Batman4890 0

the OP said the cat peed on her cast and if you have ever had a cast before then you will realise you cant feel light things.

one solution... Kill the cat and push grandma down on the ground to break her hip. While she is crying out, "why did you do that?" you say, "I told you not to **** with me. How do you like me now Bitch?".

I'd kick the ****** little cat out of the damn window.

Batman, I've had broken bones but they didn't make me blind. Why didn't he see the cat? Smell it pissing? Odd.

FYLDeep 25

@68 she can't kick the cat cause her leg is broken. This cat is two steps ahead.

When one of our cats was sick we took him to the vet. On the way home he peed in the carrier and we noticed *immediately.* OP, there may not be a doctor nearby, but there might be a pet store and they often have supplies to get cat scent out of fabrics and carpet (a wash through the machine isn't normally enough). Until you can get the cast changed you could soak the offensive bit in those supplies.

mcss87 2

"ewww they suks". should be "they suck!!!". I hate people that use short text and don't know how to spell it correct. this is why texting is ******* up peoples ability to sent from iPhone jonthan jefferson

Anonnamus 0

you don't need to go to a Dr. because a cat peed on your cast, lol. loser.

lol 97 you utterly fail. in the context that you used the word "correct" it shouldve been "correctly". shut the **** up you fucktard

U better get that cast replaced. If the doctors too far go to the hosiptal or clinic. Call someone else like a friend or neighbor. Last thing u want is an infection, mold or mildew growing under the cast. It's really dangerous and unchecked can lead to devastating conquences.

@104 she would need to go to the doctor

i was sleeping.. im a real heavy sleeeper. now i wish i was a light sleeper but aye, we can't change the past.

toxic10uhc 0

19 I hate you and you need to die in a whole.

well for one thing if it was an air-boot the guy could have taken it off and laid on the couch all weekend, on the other hand it is a sanitary risk especially if the person had received surgery for his leg. I also hate to say it but, any real friend (besides grandmum) would go out of their way one day to drive the OP to the hospital. OP call a friend and ask for that return favor.

Ewwww. Thats nasty. Casts smell terrible. Gross.

Hey, at least an obese orangatang with AIDS didn't tie you to a moldy operation table with stratched out cat dongs and played "Party in the USA" while he jacked off on your face. This happened to me once and I still haven't fully recovered.

f_your_life_09 0

it's not like u jumped in a pool....all u have to do is dry it's not that bad

ravensunnyd 0

yes but you would smell like cat pee

sugarbabyxoxo 2

cats ******* stink I hate cats. a cat pissed all over my cloths once and I had to throw most of them away cause the smell does not come out lol how do you dry off a cast? wait you can't.

blueeyes24 0

Vinger... it's the only thing that gets the smell out!

blueeyes24 0

Vinegar gets the smell out... Only thing I know that works. Their products work wonderfully. We had 8 feral kittens and there were several accidents before they learned about the litter box.

lol at least it was piss and not a number 2

except you could simply pick up the poop...hmm..that would've been terrible.

XanimalloverX 0

it's called get a ride from a friend or take a cab

well do u expect poor old granny to drive u? call a cab!

kikiss_j 0

my grandma ain't got an ass anymore..:O