By avoid the sour cream - 30/12/2012 06:14 - United States

Today, I'm sharing a hotel room with co-workers on a business trip. The walls are paper-thin, you could hear a pin drop, and I'm trying to make my explosive diarrhea as close to silent as possible. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 693
You deserved it 2 836

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Try turning your tv and radio/iPod as loud as they can go to drown out the noise. Also try putting the shower and sink in simultaneously.

anitadoody 7

Oh come on, everybody poops. Let it just go with the flow!


oj101 33

Paper thin. Are you on a business trip in Japan? Remember to always be cautious, as ninjas are likely to jump through the walls any moment.

And scare the ACTUAL shit in one big go.

abceasyas123abc 12

OP should be so lucky. When is diarrhoea ever not smelly?

20- you do realize what we are talking about here right?

I have the experience dude, that you need open you asshole by your finger, then it's get quieter

OrangeKnife 10

48- Unless I'm seriously mistaken, I think in the event of diarrhea, he's advising equalizing the pressure difference between the atmosphere and the inside of your rectum by allowing air to seep by your anus with the assistance of one of your digits, effectively bleeding off your butt's "explosive punch." The fact this man has researched and perfected this technique for exactly this situation, is both astounding, and revolting, all at once. ;P

nycwrestler 17
OrangeKnife 10

Actually If they laugh just shit on them.

The first FML is that your company is cheap enough to make you share a room. I've done a lot of business trips in previous jobs, but none of them dared to have me sleep in the same room as coworkers. It's already a pain in the ass to get sent away from your home, but now you have to share the intimacy of the bedroom with your coworkers, that you may not even like ?

nckjyc 13

Turn your ipod on full volume. find the most loud annoying genre possible. i suggest dubstep.

Run for the lobby bathroom! You can make all the noise you want, or be honest and tell them you don't feel well!