By Marjorie - 13/07/2012 17:08 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I'm sitting in the ER with my eight-year-old son. He broke his arm after jumping out through the second story window. He was too impatient to walk to the ice cream van pulling up outside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 226
You deserved it 3 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Starcatch77 20

You know what they say...The apple doesn't fall far from the tree... ...Or the window.

It's cause those damn ice cream trucks are there one second and gone the next. Every millisecond counts.


Ironic if he can't use his dominant arm to eat ice cream now.

Lol that's funny but still it hurts

oh my goodness. your kid might have a bit of a problem

The_F3rris 11

Why didnt I ever think of that?!?!?!

Red bull gives you wings, not ice cream.

Jewbenita 0

i wouldve done the same thing, i never see ice cream trucks anymore.

Jewbenita 0

I give the kid props for figuring out a quicker way to get downstairs, most 8 year olds i know would have just hauled ass downstairs (forgetting to grab a few dollars first) and probably wouldve missed the truck.

mowmowlife 21

Why did you raise a creamzombie?

Hey here's a better idea falling from greater heights with make you travel faster I'm sure you can catch the ice cream truck from a 25 story building