By Marjorie - 13/07/2012 17:08 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I'm sitting in the ER with my eight-year-old son. He broke his arm after jumping out through the second story window. He was too impatient to walk to the ice cream van pulling up outside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 226
You deserved it 3 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Starcatch77 20

You know what they say...The apple doesn't fall far from the tree... ...Or the window.

It's cause those damn ice cream trucks are there one second and gone the next. Every millisecond counts.


wubbazugg 5

YDI for not raising a smarter kid.

I think your kid is kind of awesome. lol

did he at least get the ice cream? I was in a motorbike accident and I successfully managed to claim for a tub of ben and Jerry's..... lol

I can relate. I'm pretty crazy for ice cream, too. Granted, that is a whole new level of fandom. Hope he's okay.

crazytrain10110 1

You have to beat the fatties one way or another

Well get your ass off FML and do some parenting!

TheBedMonster 5

Sadly I could see me and my friend doing that for the ice cream truck. Hope your son gets an awesome cast do you think they could get ones with ice cream trucks all over it??

Bigmoneyshotz 0

Since I assume that he didn't get the ice cream from the truck did you take the little guy to get dome ice cream after they fixed his arm?

Bigmoneyshotz 0

Since I assume that he didn't get the ice cream from the truck did you take the little guy to get some ice cream after they fixed his arm?