By Tanuki_paws - 26/08/2012 21:05 - United States - Phoenix

Today, I'm so broke that I got buyer's remorse after buying a $2 bottle of pancake syrup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 672
You deserved it 2 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I'm sorry OP, it's difficult for a lot of people right now. I hope you have or will find a job to bring in some income... Good luck to you my friend!

Solution 1: dip some bread into it and fry it. It's actually pretty good, depending on the brand. Solution 2: Use it for a game of adult truth or dare, if you know what I mean.

I guess it all depends what you plan on using the syrup for. If it's something mundane like drizzling over pancakes or waffles, that's one thing. But if you plan on using it in the bedroom, $2 sounds like a damned good investment.

Who eats waffles in the bedroom!? The syrup will get all over you, the sheets, the bed, your wife... And you'll probably have to share with your wife! THE HORROR!!!

jem970 19

Chipmunk! Waffles suck! Pancakes all the way! But Doc, syrup sucks in the bed room. It's sticky and stains everything. Why would you use that?

jem970 19

Chipmunk! Waffles suck! Pancakes all the way! But Doc, syrup sucks in the bed room. It's sticky and stains everything. Why would you use that?

The serve pancakes in HELL! Pancakes are for *******!

if only it were grade b syrup..that way all you would need is lemonand cayenne pepper and you could do the master cleanse which involves no eating for several days!

Why do people think that master cleanse are good for you!? It simply deprives your body from the necessary nutrients you need to survive. Here's a much better way to cleanse your body and feel better- eat good healthy food and exercise.

I'm not necessarily saying it's good for you, but that it requires barely any food, thus saving you money.

You'd better ration that, syrups a luxury now

thetguy 4

The price of syrup is nothing compared to the price of a dry ass pancake..

flutter4 7

There is always peanut butter

guppyfishlette 1

Nutella is disgusting. Margarine or butter and syrup. Mmmm mmmm. I'm making pancakes tomorrow fo sho!

guppyfishlette 1

Nutella is amazing! You're crazy if you say otherwise! Must admit it is a tid bit expensive but totally worth it!

Sorry, but I don't like the way it tastes. They were also successfully sued over false advertising.

Wait, you only paid $2 for your pancake syrup?!?!? I've been getting ripped off for ages!!!!

Can someone please explain what a buyer's remorse is?

A buyer's remorse. Remorse for buying something. Seriously?

When you regret buying something. Normally it's for something that costs more than $2, hence the FML.