By Tanuki_paws - 26/08/2012 21:05 - United States - Phoenix

Today, I'm so broke that I got buyer's remorse after buying a $2 bottle of pancake syrup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 672
You deserved it 2 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments


captainburke 5

Hey, at least you had 2 bucks for pancake syrup!

Make syrup. Water and sugar, dash of flavoring. Simple.

You need to find the appropriate heat. No telling where to get flavoring you want. Have to figure out the right consistency… Not simple.

Legendoflaw 4

I have to say. YDI.. Don't like being broke? Get another job. Even at min. wage it'll give you a little extra money.

You brought in the illigalls to do all ur min wage work tho

Mademoiselle_fml 34

Oh yeah, it's really that easy, just walk down the street to the nearest store and get hired. Around where I live, every job is taken. It's near impossible to get a job. Even if they are hiring, you're bloody freaking lucky if you do get hired out of the other bajillion people unemployed and looking for jobs (or employed and looking for extra cash).

... ... ... But you have a smart phone. Live within dummy. Ydi. Good god I hope you don't have kids.

Why would you buy pancake syrup if you are broke?

You are poor mother f*cker come lick my @$$

superbubbles 4

2 dollars? Lucky. I live in Canada and syrup is still like 15$ for a litre.

OP probably bought "butter syrup" or something, just sugar, not real syrup.

Also, I think it's safe to assume OP didn't buy a liter of it.