By T-Bear - 07/10/2015 15:02 - United States - College Station

Today, I'm staying at my grandparents' house. I went upstairs to grab my sketchbook to show off to my grandma. My grandpa is half-deaf, which I guess explains how he didn't hear me. I heard him though, jerking off and muttering the most disgusting sexual things about "Tara." I'm Tara. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 011
You deserved it 2 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some things just cannot be unheard OP. Maybe it's time to distance yourself.

Redoxx_fml 22


Sorry OP. At least it wasn't some random guy.

I honestly feel like that would be a little better, still creepy as **** though.

Personally I would rather a random creeper than my own grandfather.

It would have been significantly less creepy for it to have been some random guy.

If it were some random guy, she probably would've never had to find out about it

bibble27 9

Maybe 11 meant a random stranger would be in better health and could pose more of a threat? - shrugs-

aredvulpix 23

Idk... what to even say. Maybe it was a different Tara. In that case it would still be gross but not as gross

Oh god. I'm sorry, OP.. don't stay alone with him.

Remarkably off topic, but I absolutely love your hair!!!!;-D

Maybe that's like a stripper name of someone...

dsmithds7 13

Maybe he was watching television and was just calling for you! .. No? I'm trying to be optimistic okay.

That's really sick. His own granddaughter? Get out of there and tell your parents.

Yes! Someone with common sense! Definitely tell your parents, this is not ok.

Hopefully he knows a lady his age named Tara. Or is really turned on by plantation houses.