By T-Bear - 07/10/2015 15:02 - United States - College Station

Today, I'm staying at my grandparents' house. I went upstairs to grab my sketchbook to show off to my grandma. My grandpa is half-deaf, which I guess explains how he didn't hear me. I heard him though, jerking off and muttering the most disgusting sexual things about "Tara." I'm Tara. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 011
You deserved it 2 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some things just cannot be unheard OP. Maybe it's time to distance yourself.

Redoxx_fml 22


kaymac629 3

You're all hypocrites by names calling and bullying. You can't tell someone how rude they are, by being rude. You all sound like children.

Everyone has a sexual fantasy...his is just disturbing

flyingflies 36

I wonder what the people who pressed YDI had in mind.

It's totally her fault for having a grandfather.

jnugzzz 6

The buttons are pretty close together on mobile. I accidentally hit YDI at first. Evened it out with a FYL but you can't remove it unfortunately.

Probably old, deaf, forgetful, but harmless. Just keep a safe distance and it will be ok.

Plot twist! OP was named after her grandmother.

I think the OP would know the name of her own grandmother... <_<

If you'd have lived in Westeros, he would grandma and take you as his trophy wife.

GripItRight 10

Dreams really do come true. Make an old man happy.

Sorry, replied to this comment by accident.