By Anonymous - 19/12/2011 01:24 - United States

Today, I made a fake Facebook account for a girl, and then set my relationship status to make it look like the fake person was my girlfriend. Someone found out and hacked the fake account. My fake girlfriend just dumped me over Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 661
You deserved it 64 312

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds harsh, but you kind of deserve it for making a fake girlfriend..


Careful there OP, you wouldn't want to end up like Peter Coffin..

SpeshulK 0

How deep did your conspiracy go? Did your fake girlfriend have fake friends and fake posts as well?

FYLDeep 25

Zuckerberg must have seen you making multiple profiles from the same computer and IP address and decided to troll you.

Comments like yours make me wish there was an "add to favorite comments" button!

Forever Alone: Level 9999 IMPOSSIBRU!!

Actions like that aren't going to help you land a real live, "can even touch her boobs"-type girlfriend. Might want to er, work on that one.

A100893 30

When you learn to leave facebook, you might find a girlfriend. A real one that you can meet with in person. For now, you can be 'forever alone' as commenters before me have typed.

That's pretty pathetic that you let someone hack an imaginary account.

bubo_fml 10

Always keep your girls close by...In this case, Righty Tighty & Lefty Lucy...Only under very strange circumstances would they ever dump you on Facebook!