By dancer101 - 04/02/2011 15:01 - United States
Same thing different taste
So exotic
By Anonymous - 13/02/2022 11:59 - United States - Marquette
Are you OK?
By ??? - 22/12/2024 03:00 - United States - Edison
By needurlove - 15/04/2012 06:49 - United States - Sandpoint
Truth bomb
By Anonymous - 27/03/2009 00:02 - United States
By spanishsucks - 01/04/2012 03:01 - United States - Livingston
By Anonymous - 27/01/2016 16:35 - United States - Overland Park
By Anonymous - 31/07/2023 06:00
By Anonymous - 09/09/2011 22:33 - United States
By shockedgirl - 16/01/2010 07:17 - United States
By Anonymous - 28/07/2012 16:02 - United States - South Bend
Top comments
Flamenco is a form Latin art. Flamencists often spend years training tigers to swim and fight underwater in order to engage in undersea battles against Great White sharks. If the tiger makes it out alive, the Flamencist rewards it by letting it feast on its fallen enemy before riding it off into the sunset. I don't know why OP is so against it, it seems pretty awesome to me.
often spend years* stupid edit time dsakfhsalhkfsa
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you take a moment to look at my profile you will notice how against self photos I am. but I think ^you just single single handedly converted me!!! if more people took self photos like you, we would even be able to achieve world peace. I think I love you!!!!! aw crap miss., never mind disregard the last part, but everything else I mean!!!!
130, calm down, dude... you're getting your nerd juice all over her.
if your elbows can cover your boobs then they aren't big enough
144, I agree, that guy has NO game whatsoever.
A dance -.-
Today, my daughter's boyfriend does something that I don't like, therefore, my life sucks. 'KAY BR0SKI.
Let's take a vote. How many here discredit wikipedia as a source?
Everyone always jumps on the bandwagon of saying how shite wikipedia is, but as long as you doublecheck the sources, there's nothing wrong with using it...
wikipedia is basically a collection of information from the sources it list at the bottom of the page so I wouldn't really call it a source as there's nothing new being added... but that's just me
31 - I never once said I was against Wikipedia. I simply said that I'm going to take a vote. I for one, use Wiki all the time, but I make sure I cite the sources at the bottom (after checking that source out, of course) instead of citing Wiki. I'm amused that so many interpreted my comment to mean I'm against Wikipedia. I also must have failed in my reply - the Wikipedia comment was meant for #17.
I must have missed that comment, then. Good to know!
"Flamencology, from the Spanish word Flamencología, is an academic discipline pertaining to the Flamenco arts. It combines research, documentation, and other techniques to achieve the diffusion and preservation of the art." - Wikipedia
I hope your daughter has a good education because it looks like she's going to need to support him.
No, you heard wrong. He obviously said "flaming college" so he's studying to be a firefighter. You're welcome.
I love that you organized the list in your profile by length. It looks wonderful.
I would be careful posting surgical or pathology pictures on the internet. Direct HIPPA violation. The patient signs consent for intraoperative pictures and video for teaching and learning experiences. FML does not qualify. Don't want to see you get in trouble. Unlikely, but who knows?
Doc, I'm sorry, but that picture is creepy as ****!!!!
Ladybug, I'm going to assume based on the "obgyn" in your name that you are an MD also. There are no identifying features in the picture whatsoever, and noone could prove that this picture either was or wasn't anyone. You can't even tell if the person is black, white, Hispanic, Asian, or Martian, let alone the gender. There is no HIPAA violation here. Brianjman- it isn't meant to be attractive. :) Mrs. Bastard asked me not to use my daughter's pictures anymore (sorry, folks), so this is what we have now.
I think Mrs B. is right, doc. So you don't have to be sorry. (which, I guess, you probably aren't really :p) That's too bad because she's cute (no creepy side to this point), but it can be a little risky to show picture like that on the net. And we don't come here for that kind of stuff ... or at least it should not be the case ! *throws accusing looks all around* As long as you are a happy family. Damn, it's not exactly the subject of the fml ... ^^'
People are sneaky. And with the lawsuit happiness that surrounds us, it isn't too far-fetched to think that someone could put two and two together. For instance, someone at the hospital who knows you and you family, sees the pic of your sweet gal and connects the dots. There were no identifying markers on the ulcer pic, however, looking back at your OR schedule and-there you go. Dots connected. We always have to practice CYA. I wouldn't do anything that puts you or your family at risk. Just some friendly advice from one doc to another!
there is no way that anyone could be sued for the picture shown above. reason being if you look up x-ray photos on the web you will find many like it. and like doc said before there isn't any PII so case closed
God damn doc. Did you ask the patient how/why they did it?
At least she got the stereotypical dream of every girl: A guy who'll take her dancing. I don't know about what this entails, but I do have to give him props: Anyone who actively pursues a career like this has some major balls. If I could get good, guaranteed jobs playing guitar, bass, or singing... No, I'd still go to law school.. But, OP, you need to respect this guy. It takes a lot of courage to do something like this, especially in America where this art gets more mock than praise. But he'll probably end up teaching part-time, though
How is that the "stereotypical dream of every girl"? I have yet to meet a girl whose dream guy is one who'll take her dancing. A girl's dream is more likely to be a guy who likes to cook nowadays...
I was thinking the same thing. don't know a single girl who's dream guy is one who will take her dancing. what a load of crap.
That's why i said stereotypical. Or am I the only one who's tired of watching tv shows with a girl/woman who says, "You never take me dancing!"? Seems we watch different television shows. But that's why I said stereotypical: It's a stereotype television has given women for yearssss. But I apologize if my use of stereotypical didn't make it obvious that it was just my way of making fun of the career-choice, which is why i later defended it.
I agree with both Pixie and Danny; I would love if Mr. Besos were more of a dancer. Thankfully, we both are pretty open to trying anything new, but it would be more fun if he were actually enthusiastic about getting on the dance floor. There's just something about a man who knows how to move... =] And it's true, not every lady's dream is to have a fella that likes to dance (Maybe a mechanic, perhaps? Or a cook? Or a poet?) We all have different preferences, but I didn't think Danny was wrong in stating that as a stereotype. Many women in my circle would delight in a guy who knows his way through the Cha-cha, Salsa, or Flamenco.
whoever looks on wikipedia.. let alone cites it as a source should be cockslapped to death.. cuz their life sucks balls..
What?? You need to do some research about Wikipedia. If it was wrong, nobody would use it. They check the entries.
wikipedias good for info as long as you check it's sources, I wouldn't call it itself a source because it's not bringing anything new to what it found it those sources that it list
Wikipedia is convenient, and generally gives the right idea about topics. No, you shouldn't base your dissertation off it, but if you want a quick, consise answer about the general explanation/definition of something, it's not the worse site you can go to. If anyone read this and thought, "Huh? Flamingos?" Wikipedia cleared that up, and that's more than you did. So shut the **** up.
Flaming Gynocologist?
Yes. The study of flamenco.