By dancer101 - 04/02/2011 15:01 - United States

Today, I met my daughter's boyfriend, who she hopes to marry. I asked what he does, to which he answered, "I'm a Flamencologist." Flamencology? The study of Flamenco? Huh? FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 884
You deserved it 7 000

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sammy_Baby 0


And is your field of work really so superior, OP? I'm curious about what you do.

Flamencology, from the Spanish word Flamencología, is an academic discipline pertaining to the Flamenco arts. It combines research, documentation, and other techniques to achieve the diffusion and preservation of the art.

Who cares? What's wrong with studying an art form? :/ People think they're so superior to others because of their job. I hate it.

don't be so judgemental. if he treats her right, loves her and cares for her then you should be happy for her

lol I sure did think that's what it after reading your comment. but after further reveiw, I believe it is indeed two shoes and the "heart" is the shoelaces

bk_chick13 0

it's actually a real thing like no should look it up instead of stupidly thinking that you know everything and her boyfriend doesn't know what he is talking about

TheDrifter 23

Read it again. Op understood what it is, and also quickly discerned that he will likely collect welfare his whole life while practicing his flamenco guitar and dancing skills.

qazz42 1

you are an idiot, just because you are uneducated does not mean others are....

How is this an fml? Your ignorance of the job doesn't make it a bad one.