By monogamous - 28/10/2010 09:26 - Australia

Today, I met my husband's other wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 434
You deserved it 4 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I like this kind of FMLs- simple, short and depressing.

Wait until you meet your husband's other wife's husband, and then HIS other wife, and then... Somehow it'll go back to Kevin Bacon.


So you're not a fan of Stephanie Meyers or Orson Scott Card, I take it. That shit's considered romantic in some circles.

cant understand men like that. think about it, sure you may have two women you can root, but you all so you get two mothers in law :|

green_eyes124 0

I cannot put into words how happy I am that you said "motherS in law". It drives me crazy to see 'mother in laws' : )

token_blackguy 18

Maybe the OP is mormon or muslim in which ydi.

#57, real Mormons (members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) stopped practicing polygamy when it was outlawed. Though they were still persecuted for not divorcing their multiple wives. I'm a Mormon, and If I found out my ex had another wife, I'm pretty sure I would have castrated him before turning him in.

HAHAH. Nothing to say here OP, just FYL.

I know no-one will see this but... I moderated thisssssss fml(: