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By monogamous - 28/10/2010 09:26 - Australia

Today, I met my husband's other wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 454
You deserved it 4 807

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I like this kind of FMLs- simple, short and depressing.

Wait until you meet your husband's other wife's husband, and then HIS other wife, and then... Somehow it'll go back to Kevin Bacon.


tmmundy 17

I don't think one of his wives will have to!!! if she is the 2nd wife, legally she's not married to his sorry ass!!! but if she's the first wife, well she shld divorce him and take him to the cleaners...let his new bride take care of him.

Maybe I'm a bit callous, but I can't help but wonder how you wouldn't notice something like that.

yeah I was kinda thinking that... I don't see how you can easily hide another family. not and actually spend time with your husband.

boatkicker 4

This might be a bit of a stretch, but perhaps he was estranged from his other wife? My "stepfather" was married to another woman for the entire time that he was with my mother. When things between him and my mom went sour, he left and moved back in with his first wife "Oh by the way....." and who knows what his wife was thinking, taking him back, knowing that he had lived with and had two kids with another woman, while they were married.

not callous at all, seriously!! who the **** doesn't notice that their husband has another wife. if you've ever even dated seriously and lived under the same roof, you know that even if you're like James F'N Bond, its hard to even be away for a few hours without your significant other wondering where you are. either OP is really dumb or naiive, or her husband is the single greatest cheater on the planet.

SaRah_In_LoVe 0

Is this from the US cause I am most certain not only is it illegal to marry more than one at a time, its impossible.. But what do I know?

RedPillSucks 31

It's illegal but clearly not impossible. People do it all the time. It's relatively easy if you act like you have a "traveling" job that requires you out of the house for long periods, like truckers or pilots.

22: OP's from Australia. Still, as RPS said, it's not impossible in the US. You just need to marry in different states, or have fake ID in another name. Sadly, it's more common than you think.

You would think it would be more difficult. What with the oh so holy sacrament that is heterosexual marriage.

mexipunker 0

Leave him and steal her away from him and go be lesbians together.