By monogamous - 28/10/2010 09:26 - Australia

Today, I met my husband's other wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 434
You deserved it 4 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I like this kind of FMLs- simple, short and depressing.

Wait until you meet your husband's other wife's husband, and then HIS other wife, and then... Somehow it'll go back to Kevin Bacon.


randiZ25 0

you meet up with the other wife castrate him, then you and her sell all his stuff and go on a long vacation on him :)

deformedsurf 0

Castration is never the answer.

123e3 0

anyone remember the fml "Today, I met my wife's other husband"?

Obviously you should file for divorce.Its so sad how SOME men think it's ok to have more than one girl at a time.

It's so sad that "SOME" women think it's ok to have more than one boy at a time

RedPillSucks 31

As long as both parties agree, it shouldn't be an issue. It's when one or the other party has no idea that problems occur, in addition to it being illegal in the US.


how did u not kno ur husband was married?

ya, duh, cuz in austria (isnt that the same as australia? lulz) every1 who gets married has to get a tattoo saying "married" on they're forehead! Stayflyy, don't be so naive. If I took off my wedding band and went to a bar or made an internet dating profile, how would anyone know I'm married? People pull this shit all the time, and it's the other spouses and children who suffer at the hands of these assholes.

shortyshort21 0

And they can be the next big polygamist family, like the sister wives.

OP, did you two compare notes? You should've and then invited them both over for a nice know, to get aquainted. ;-)

ManaUser 0

That was certainly big a' him.

Peytonlikesme 0

Wat a *****!!!!! Skanky biatch

RedPillSucks 31

OP, this should be followed by "and then I met my divorce attorney". Unless you're into polygamy, then work it out.