By roomie487 - 06/10/2009 21:08 - United Kingdom

Today, I met my new roommate. I also met her stuffed animals, who introduced themselves to me. My roommate makes inanimate objects talk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 223
You deserved it 4 335

Same thing different taste

Top comments

be thankful she hasn't tried stuffing her hand up your ass and making you talk.

I dont see whats so bad about that. Unless youre one of those people who think they are cool and grown up by losing their sense of imagination.


zeppzo4 0

I REALLY don't see the problem in this.

Sounds like you're being a nit-pick. Haha prick.

oh cool, you have a ventriloquist as a roomate. thats totally an FML. more like FHL for having a person with no sense of humor.

Autumnoaks 0

is nobody concerned that this person's roomate's a.) has stuffed animals... maybe keep one from when you were a kid, but more than 3 after age 18 is... unique and b.) they introduced them like they each have a persona or something... like i said, concerning.

I would do it just for kicks! Like on the bus a friend pretended they hadn't had their pills and had a conversation with Charlie, their other persona. Freaking other people out is fun :P

I'm kind of miffed by the amount of people who see no problem with this. HELLO, this girl is obviously at least 18 years old and still talking to her gaggle of stuffed animals. It's one thing to bring one with you to remind you of home but seriously, this is ******* creepy.

MrsDracoMalfoy 0

Wow. Weird, no? That's pretty funny it reminds me of hmm, maybe a five year old introducing her stuffed animals at her tea party!!

OuchThatsHarsh 0

I see nothing wrong with this.

Lol if I was you, once in a while I'd yell "Shut up you ******* animals I'm trying to sleep" in the middle of the night or something. Then the next mornin you can say to your roommate "Your pets were sassing me, I want them out by friday!" Have fun with it :)

bre_zip_it_up13 11

i you have a friend who go to the same school then you could ask for their social secruitry # and have room with you