By Anonymous - 04/08/2015 01:28 - United States - Anchorage

Today, I met my wife's mistress, at the maternity ward in the hospital, after she gave birth to our second child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 790
You deserved it 2 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that has to be one of the awkwardest situations I can imagine


LadyLuck93 20

Seriously I had to read this like 5 times.

Vesi 29

OK, first question is who exactly gave birth to second child? I'm assuming wife. If the mistress was the one that gave birth, then all I could see is the wife kept used condoms from OP and used them on her mistress. Seriously though.. that sucks. At least when I get together with my partner(s) I told them 2 things, I'm poly and I'm bi (pan really) and never once hid or lied about it.

Is your name Ross Geller by any chance?

The way this reads, it sounds like the mistress had the baby. *sigh* Welcome to Alaska :) Where the odds are good, but the goods are odd (that your wife has some side action)...

If the mistress had the baby, then it wouldn't be OP's second child.

Make her mistress yours as well that way everybody wins

Hmm, guess you forgot to ask her to swall*w, pull out, yourself get fixed, tie it in a knot especially if you didn't want any more. Be thankful that she's not cheating on you with B. Jenner or a Lorena Bobbitt type person, and didn't leave you for either.

bnbhimp 10

Screw a divorce I see a threesome in someone's future.