By Anonymous - 04/08/2015 01:28 - United States - Anchorage

Today, I met my wife's mistress, at the maternity ward in the hospital, after she gave birth to our second child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 790
You deserved it 2 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that has to be one of the awkwardest situations I can imagine


how could you not know?so far?seriously,how?

Let me get this clear - you impregnated your wife's mistress to make second child?

elizacandle 29

you're writing is a bit vague- do you mean your wife is having an affair with a woman and your wife just had a kid?

I think I would be okay with it if it was another woman and not a guy

It would still be a breach of trust though. Cheating is cheating. Doesn't matter if what sex they are cheating on you with. If it was discussed beforehand and all parties involved were okay with the open relationship, then I can see someone being okay with it. But to do it behind your loved ones back is unforgivable in my opinion. You can't really ever fully gain that trust back.

anthony_Calderon 15

To be honest that situation can't be ALL bad. I mean if you are adventurous enough

saffy66 34

I hope they weren't just using you as a sperm donor and now plan on taking the child to raise together. If that was the plan OP, your lawyer will have a field day with this one.

Does youre wife have a mistress? Is she gay? Who is being born. Your and your wife's kid or your and the misterress's child!