By Anonymous - 04/08/2015 01:28 - United States - Anchorage

Today, I met my wife's mistress, at the maternity ward in the hospital, after she gave birth to our second child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 790
You deserved it 2 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that has to be one of the awkwardest situations I can imagine


Better than meeting your wife's other lover (male)... Make it a threesome and turn it into your benefit...

Not all bi people are into threesomes or polygamy. Stop being creepy.

And not all guys want threesomes or think their significant other seeing a woman on the side is hot or an okay thing to do.

Since gay relationships are equally valid as straight ones, the betrayal of cheating on someone by forming a gay or straight relationship is also equally valid.

are we supposed to think that the mistress is the one giving birth even though it seems it was the wife?

leave her. no knew deserves to have their heart betrayed.

I'm confused as to who was giving birth. And whomever was giving birth, why was the other one there?

joljenni 6

The husband is the OP. Husband is at hospital while wife is giving birth. Wife's mistress shows up at hospital to provide support to wife. Husband meets mistress on the day he should remember as his child's birthday.

OP's wife gave birth to their child in the hospital. Whilst at the hospital, OP met the woman that his wife is having an affair with.

the way I read it was the husband and wife had their second child. the wife's mistress then went to the hospital where he found out about the mistress

Okay sure, the FML could be worded better, but let's use some common sense here. If OP's wife's mistress was the one giving birth, then OP wouldn't be just meeting them. Regardless, that's a pretty terrible situation to find yourself in. If you're a man OP, perhaps your wife thought it would be okay? Some previous comments clearly show some guys would be okay with that. I can't imagine your wife letting her mistress come to her giving birth if she didn't think it was okay.

ArcheryArtist 20

This needs a better explanation. Please give is more details!