By SheWentCrayola - 17/10/2009 02:04 - United States

Today, I met some guys from my dad's workplace. They told him what a pretty daughter he had, to which he responded, "Nah, it's just shit-loads of makeup." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 985
You deserved it 7 592

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Make a **** video of you with all the guys from his work. And during the video, look at the camera and say "look dad, no makeup!" He'll get the message.

RubixMonkey 0


vickerlynn 0

Ok, so when I was younger my dad would always say I wore way too much make up when it was just mascarra, a light eyeshadow and a little bit of lipgloss (like lipsmackers or something). I think that is just what dads do. When some one says that they get the feeling of "oh shit my little girl is growing up I have to do SOMETHING, ANYTHING RIGHT NOW"!!! Then they produse strange amounts of word vommit thet is usually strange and sometimes hurtful. So I am sorry to say this but if your dad is like mine the older and pretter you get the more you are gonna hear it.

I like to think your dad's just an asshole, with no ulterior motives. That makes him slightly more awesome.

MissGlamIstGott 0

Usually little ho's wear a lot of make up these days. So you probably did have too much on. You're probably the typical fake tan, juicy suit wearing girl with a ton of make up on but without it you're hideous.

rockmyworld 0

this dad has his cards played right he knows what hes talking about. bitches are ugly without make-up

I only wear concealer and a little mascara/eyeliner. I don't get why you would really need much more than that. especially young people, why would you need foundation when your skin is still young and good-looking??

omg why dont you people understand dads like to joke around with their kids?!?!?!

RubixMonkey 0

Why do guys not understand that girls don't need their fathers joking about their looks in front of guys. If the father cannot respect his daughter then why should the guys. I mean its one thing to joke about a habit, or an embarrassing thing you did as a kid (with people you care about) but when guys are around, men need to realize they do not have the right to dictate who we date or scare away men, unless WE ASK. This is not about the dad joking around, it was about him 1) being a serious jerk. 2) thinking he had a right to "protect" his daughter. 3) Does not know how joking around with his friends does not mean at the expense of his daughter.

ironhulk_fml 0

lol thats a good line but im pretty sure thats not going to stop any guy hahahaha or at least stop me hahaha

Regardless of the amount of make up she wears, it was still incredibly insulting of her father to say that. Whether he was joking or not, regardless of his intentions he knows better.