By Kenny - 24/01/2014 07:16 - Nigeria - Lagos

Today, I noticed my laptop kept shutting down and the mouse cursor was all over the place, clicking on every folder. I dismantled the entire computer only to notice something in one of my USB drives: the receiver to a wireless mouse my colleague put there earlier to play a prank on me. 5ML
I agree, your life sucks 39 453
You deserved it 8 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least nothing was actually wrong with your computer. If you know how to take it apart then I'm hoping you can put it back together.

Zverina 20

Guess you could say your computer was... Cursed... by a cursor.


Time to put put his stapler in Jello, The Office style :)

Why do they all say 5ML instead of FML??!

samquenda 8

Hope you can put it back together :)

Hmm... See this would only work if he was within a few yards of you. I'm sure you would have heard him snickering and acting Strange, so therefore I feel like this isn't true

thatKellykid 12

Whoops. That made me giggle though :)

Why I don't ask BestBuy IT for help. jk but really.

Well as much as that sucks... A mouse moving incorrectly is a software error. It would never be a hardware error.

This FML really hits home my other roommate did this but i caught him before i callef in a complaint. so now i always check my USB port