By Kenny - 24/01/2014 07:16 - Nigeria - Lagos

Today, I noticed my laptop kept shutting down and the mouse cursor was all over the place, clicking on every folder. I dismantled the entire computer only to notice something in one of my USB drives: the receiver to a wireless mouse my colleague put there earlier to play a prank on me. 5ML
I agree, your life sucks 39 453
You deserved it 8 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least nothing was actually wrong with your computer. If you know how to take it apart then I'm hoping you can put it back together.

Zverina 20

Guess you could say your computer was... Cursed... by a cursor.


Well u got a new mouse fr free .. or atleast d reciever . Now u can place d reciever in ur friends PC

arandomusernameaa 20
pyko 3

That sounds like something I would do lol

EvanTheBaker 3

What's the deal with all the 5MLs?

You dismantled the computer before you even unplugged the USB devices? Sounds like someone is stretching the truth...

A lot of those wireless mouse receivers are quite small now... I can see how it would be easy to miss, especially if he wasn't expecting to find one plugged into his computer

You had to dismantle the whole thing to notice something in your USB drive that you didn't put there? Way to pay attention lol

Is it just my phone or does it say "5ML" at the end of eery FML