By John - 19/05/2011 04:27

Today, I offered to drive my girlfriend's grandpa to the doctor. I thus learned my girlfriend's grandfather has a colostomy bag when it burst all over the inside of my truck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 666
You deserved it 3 258

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MedChew 19

FHL more than FYL, for sure. Imagine how embarassed he would be

not only how can you be pissed at another persons FML and it "ruin your day" but how can you be pissed at a grandpa that can't control his bowels?! you must either be very immature or just a bitch.


jennifer93 0

oh wow that better have earned you major brownie points with the lady

omg, please tell me that's an accidental pun. lol

jennifer93 0

What colour is shit? It's brown.. BROWNie points, now do you see the pun?

jennifer93 0 that's a little stretched so no I def didn't mean to do that

Whilst that does really suck, I imagine it's much worse for him. Hopefully you'll be able to clean it up so that you can't tell it ever happened.

Oh god... Poop. It would horrible to have a colostomy bag... Ugh.

it is lol, I've had one for over 2 years now. it really does suck.

To be honest, I feel more pity for her grandpa than you. Your problem can be fixed with some scrubbing and water, unlike his.

juturnaamo 29

I'm guessing the offer was meant to get in good with the girlfriend, which I'm sure it definitely did. The good thing about a bad economy is there is someone in your neighborhood who would be willing to scrub your truck clean for less than $50.

that must have "burst your bubble"

do ya see what I just did there? that was awesome

missy_lynn012 0
jdeshnerx3 0

how is someone else's fml gunna ruin your day? lol

FYL and his, poor man :( how embarrassing for him! the only nasty part would be cleaning up the mess that had been made :/