By natattack - 11/09/2013 21:35 - United States - Temple

Today, I officially became a divorced marriage counselor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 605
You deserved it 7 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well now you can give your clients counselling on what not to do from first hand experience! Start charging more!!!

Wizardo 33

Well learn from your own shortcomings and help yourself and others, I'm sorry about it but hopefully it gets better for ya OP.


grashopper8 7

You're not a failure. You made the right decision and you will be healthier and happier for it.

This tugged at my heart a little. OP, I've been fighting a divorce for almost 8 months. My soon-to-be-ex husband admitted to me recently that it's nothing I have done, he just wants a divorce. No other reason. We even started dating each other again, and I thought we were going to reconcile. 2 days after our last date, we had mediation. He went ahead and signed the papers. But he still says it's not me. So, I know how it feels. But you have to both want it. You can't try to work on it yourself. It's like swimming with your hand tied behind your back. I hope it gets easier.

All things must come to an end some time or the another

You can now give some solid advice based on your experience

find new employment. obviously you couldn't save your own.

Don't worry, op. Your job is about trying to make marriages work, not making people believe that staying in a marriage is always better than a divorce. People need to understand that no matter how hard you try to fix your marriage, sometimes divorce is the better option. As long as you try in the first place. That's what you're there for. I hope you're coping with this ok and that people aren't giving you a even harder time about it. All the best :)