By btoker - 15/10/2015 16:16 - United States - New York

Today, I opened up to my boyfriend about being sexually abused in the past. He said it explains why I'm "such a bitch" when it comes to personal contact. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 069
You deserved it 2 331

btoker tells us more.

Hi guys, OP here. He is my ex now, because I decided that his aggressive undertones means I might be in for a repeat. He is pretty aggressive in general, and this is one of a few examples so its probably best to move on before its too late. I'm 22 years old and was abused at 16, so he doesn't understand how I couldn't be over it by now. I'm currently looking for other places to live because we live together. Thank you all for the positive support, I am going to try to get myself into a better situation as fast as I can.

Top comments

He's a douchebag and I seriously hope that you dumped him. Sorry for what you went through, OP!!

What happened to you wasn't your fault, get rid of him


So be a bitch and leave him...he needs sympathy it's hard to go through

MonstreBelle 28

I feel like there are two different ways your comment can be read, so I thought I would ask what exactly it is you mean. Are you saying that the boyfriend needs OP's sympathy because it's hard to go through finding out your girlfriend has been sexually abused and OP would be a bitch if she left him? Or are you saying the boyfriend needs to have sympathy for OP because sexual abuse is hard to go through and OP should show him what a real bitch is and leave him?

I'm sorry but he needs sympathy? seriously what about OP? it happened to her it was probably not easy for her to tell him and was an insensitive ass. I'm sorry OP that he couldn't be more sensitive to what you went through.

cassidi24 10

You do not need that in your life! You deserve someone who will never make you feel bad about what happened to you. Sorry, OP :(

mrslegume 8

Well you tested his ability to be supportive and understanding, he failed. Dump him.

wow what empathy there, I don't know if I am more angry or shocked at his reaction. that was extremely uncalled for.... might wanna try talking to him about that. people that were sexually abused at younger ages ten not to be very thrilled with Close intimate contact because of memories from that. If he can not at least try to be somewhat sympathetic for what happened to you it might be time to reconsider your relationship.

Usually FML people are so quick to jump on the "Dump him!" train but this time it's 100% justified.

I hope you mean ex boyfriend, OP. You don't deserve that

Wow he has no filter or sensitivity whatsoever.

hektek 11

What a douchebag! you should've kicked him in the nuts and left him, he just give men a bad name.....what a ******* ****

Hi guys, OP here. He is my ex now, because I decided that his aggressive undertones means I might be in for a repeat. He is pretty aggressive in general, and this is one of a few examples so its probably best to move on before its too late. I'm 22 years old and was abused at 16, so he doesn't understand how I couldn't be over it by now. I'm currently looking for other places to live because we live together. Thank you all for the positive support, I am going to try to get myself into a better situation as fast as I can.

You deserve love and compassion sweety. I've been in your situation it's hard but it makes us stronger in the end. I'm glad you ended what was apparently not a happy or healthy relationship and never feel you have to get over this at someone else's time table, you take all the time you need you're not alone. ❤️

The fact that he doesn't understand means that he's too insensitive to your situation to truly care about you. It's for the best that you ended it already before things turned out badly. I wish you the best!

Being one of those bastards that failed to control himself for a long long time I can say You did the right things. Me and him are practically uncurable. It wasn't Your fault, then again his excuse would be it wasn't his fault either for that happening with You. He will most likely never understand(allthough hope lies somewhere). Only a little, but he can't handle being with someone like You. It's too complicated for him. Sadly this kind of person can't date someone that has this kind of problems. source: Same failed ass problems that he had, only in a bit lesser condition. I hope atleast. He will grow up, someday, but it aint worth sticking around waiting for it. Good job there. You will find a more mature person to Your side.

We are going to remain friends because I care for him and we've known each other for years. It is just best if if move on with people who understand each other. I also don't want to feel unsafe. However, I hope he finds happiness with someone less complicated and I hope you find yours too!

Being abused is not something you just " get over". Some people have problems for 20 years or more trying to cope with what they've been through. I'm sorry that someone you care about can't understand that, but stay strong and realize that you have a whole community of FML users rooting for you. And if someone ever tries to put you down because they think you should be "over it", tell them to f off

^exactly 57! Abuse- no matter what type- is never anything you get over. The first thing that is the hardest to accept is that abuse forever changes you and your perceptions. It's nothing to be ashamed of or even resentful of; I took my abuse and decided to make it make me stronger- not cripple me. While it hurts and I'm forever changed, I don't want it to ruin me all the way. . . OP, good for you for leaving abuse!! Thats the hardest first step

I'm so sorry, O.P. I promise that there are good guys in the world for such an amazing person like you. Stay strong!

I couldn't care less about my other comment being disliked and I agree overwhelmingly that Abuse problems can't just be fixed. It's something on another level completely. It will haumt forever, being one of the reasons I myself can't even force myself to date anyone with that kind of problems, because I'm not capable of handling myself near this kind of person. I understand the problem yet, that one side of me just keeps on not handling the understanding part. It's an edless cycle where two keep hurting each other endlessly without even meaning to... You can have all the community and what other shit behind You, but the truth is harsh. You will be standing alone with Your problem no matter what care or understanding Your future partner shows out. Be strong and conquer Yourself.

#42 I swear I see you commenting on FML so often!

Good call! I wish you the best with moving and future relationships! :)

mariri9206 32

good for you, OP! You deserve someone so much better and understanding.

Like #57 said you never "get over" being sexual abused. I was molested when I was 3, I am 30 now and I can truthfully say that I have accepted that it happened but I will never "get over" it. Even though it happened 27 years ago I can still remember every detail. And I applaud you for remaining his friend and hopefully the both of you will find people who make you truly and utterly happy. someone who is still dealing with baggage from my past, I can give you some advice. If you haven't done so already, seek therapy to help you heal. The scars will still remain, but learning how to heal and cope with the aftermath is priceless. I am a lot older than you and am just now going through this process. I have been diagnosed with PTSD because of my past experiences. Not getting help years ago has caused me to waste a lot of precious time and relationships. Please seek out help with this. Don't be like me (being close to 50) and just now figuring this stuff out.

I might be a bit too jaded, or something but I really think the best thing with trauma is to toughen up, let it go for a week or two and get your shit back together with twice the strength. You did the right thing op, I hope you got all the strength you will ever need in life. Forged in the fire OP. (sorry if im insensitive)

Take care of yourself. You deserve great things

I was sexually abused at 15 and was emotionally abused by a "friend" for years. It's not something you just "get over." These things leave scars that will fade in time but they'll never fully go away. If he doesn't understand that, OP, then you're better off without him.

It's not that easy to "toughen up", you obviously have never experienced real abuse.

Good for you! If he can't understand what you've gone through and give you love and compassion you need, then you deserve better.

You deserve someone who treats you with respect. It's a good thing that you left him earlier rather than later.

76 saying sorry after you say something so insensitive does nothing. Abuse is something that will effect a person forever. They might be able to cope like others said, but the scars are always there. To tell someone who has to deal with that to 'just toughen up' is far past just 'insensitive'. Op, I'm glad you are moving on. You need someone who can understand and support you as you deal with it.

You did the right thing dumping him. A man like that doesn't deserve to have a girlfriend. Just stay strong and surround yourself with loved ones

The thing I find most depressing is the number of people that can relate. Heartbreaking. But good on you OP, you deserve to be understood and happy.

SunTripper93 10

Glad it's over with him. You deserve better.

i wouldn't do that. I think you're setting yourself up for a bad situation

kendallskakb 13

That is so ****** up and insensitive you would think even the dumbest human could understand how diffucult it is to open up to someone about something as serious as this, and he just take it as it's no big deal smh I really feel for you it's definitely not deserved

I wanna apologize for my whole gender these fucktards are not even worthy of being called human beings. You rock girl go out there and find yourself a good guy ( yes, they still exist) :)