By myownperson - 25/10/2011 08:17 - United States

Today, I ordered food at McDonald's. I'm on crutches, and a guy offered to carry my tray to the table. He rushed out with my food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 484
You deserved it 3 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Streeet_hayley 6

Never trust people with your food


marcus903 17

Now I know not to give a stranger my food for any reason.... FYL

kinder10_fml 0

Dayum, if anyone stole my food no matter how crippled I am, those ******* better run fast cause I'd chase em and beat them senseless.

kitkat4949 7

I would have took one of the crutches and smack him with it.

Normally if the employees at mcds see this they'd offer you a free meal. but considering none of them offered to help you first then that's unlikely

I actually feel sorry for you. Hopefully you got another free meal.