By jedd90 - 08/07/2009 14:37 - United States

Today, I overdrew my account and ended up paying an extra 35 bucks for a 1.99 item. It was an application on the iPhone that is supposed to help me keep track of my money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 694
You deserved it 52 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

skullbuster 0

Well, if you didn't have $1.99 in your account - you should probably skip buying apps on the iPhone and do things the old fashioned way. I mean, honestly, it doesn't sound like you have much money to keep track of anyway so I think a notebook and a pen would probably do the trick (or use that Notes app and the calculator on the phone)!


If you call your bank, sometimes they are nice enough to waive that over draft.

i_luv_cheese 0

He didnt get the iphone just for that, idiot

Seti_fml 0

I've done what the OP is talking about before...except i ended up paying 35 bucks for a 5 dollar meal at chic fil a i feel your pain OP... but you still deserve it.

Maybe if you didn't waste your money on an over-priced phone and phone plan you wouldn't have over-drafted for something with such a low cost.

GaelicEyes 0

YDI for not knowing you have less than $2 in your account. Maybe you should actually learn how to keep track of your money yourself (oh, like let's say free online and telephone banking provided by EVERY bank in America).

fretforyerlatte 0

the bank has screwed me over so many times i have total sympathy for overdrafting. couple of weeks ago we had some fraudulent activity on our account that put us into overdraft. i was able to get the charges themselves refunded by the companies they were made to, but even with that and proof that the charges were fraudulent, the bank still wouldn't refund over a hundred dollars in fees. it totally ****** us. FML rejected THAT story.

proud_liberal 0

greedy banks. rich white CEOs taking all the money, such bs. I hope obAma gets them all

star_ver 0

He won't. He's just another tool in the machine. And I *voted* for him -_-...