By Anonymous - 17/01/2014 23:52 - United Kingdom

Today, I overheard my mum tell my sister that she should make me a bridesmaid at her wedding. My sister scoffed, "She looks like Shamu, mum. I can't have THAT in my wedding pics." followed by laughter and my mum saying, "Touché." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 041
You deserved it 6 791

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd rather not be in a wedding for anyone like that or not.


Your mom and sister sound like a bitch, if they were my family I would never talk to them again.

hint hint. lose weight and get healthy

buttcramp 21

just because OP is heavier than her sister doesn't mean she is unhealthy. I know people who weigh way more than me who could run a mile in half the time. don't be rude.

Very true; I used to be significantly overweight, ok let's me honest obese but was always fit and active. Much fitter than my thin friends who are shit, smoked and did no exercise but remained thin.

SuckMeBeautifu1 24

Actually health experts have recently publicly stated that having excess body fat is unhealthy by definition, because it also means that excess fat is also distributed all through your insides, covering your organs. So no, you can't be fat and healthy at the same time.

1jordan1 11

Your family sounds like terrible people

JMichael 25

I say when you get married don't allow her or your mom to be in the wedding. But you may not be the kind of person to stoop to their level.

Chiveoholic 4