By sucksforme - 12/09/2009 00:40 - United States

Today, I parked in front of a grocery store and took the portable GPS system off the mount on the dashboard and put it in my pocket so no one would break into my car and steal it. When I got back, the window was smashed and someone had stolen the plastic mount. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 592
You deserved it 3 533

Same thing different taste

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everyone knows a plastic mount is why you have to pay the $150 for the GPS system. GPS Unit = $150 Broken Window = $250 Stolen Plastic Mount = Priceless

Sure they would. Leaving the mount sitting there means you HAVE a GPS, and most people just put it in their center console or glovebox when they're not in the car, not their pocket. So the thief probably assumed there was a GPS unit, then got irritated when there wasn't and took the mount to be a dick.


The sad thing is, that thiefs may still see the remainder of the suction (dirt/fat /whatever residue) on the window and might still think that a GPS is in the glove compartment.

nachosbabygurl 9

it doesn't get much more ghetto than that

That's awkward. You'd think the idiot who stole it would be smart enough to think "where there's a plastic mount there must be a GPS," though

They were probably looking for the GPS and stole the mount when they couldn't find it.

I'm sorry OP but as good as this post is, it's way too good to be true....

Wow this FML is so fake lol i can't believe you got away with posting this fake ass shit story

Lmfao this has to be made up, you know you just wanted an FML post