By John - 15/11/2009 06:08 - Australia

Today, I parked my convertible in the 5 minute bay at the post office. When I came back out I noticed a bum in the front seat pretending to drive it. After shouting at him and pulling him out, he stumbled off. I was then slapped with a ticket for being parked longer than 5 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 489
You deserved it 6 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments


liveBabylon 0

Aww your mean you shoulda taken him for a ride.

that was a perfect chance! you coulda had a hobo sidekick dammit. nice >.>, you coulda atleast let him drive in the passenger seat while you really drive >:

well obviously if the poster was parked in the five minute zone he wouldn't bother to put his top up. im sure he does if hes going to park somewhere for an hour or so...but why would anyone waste their time putting their top up in a five minute zone? That would waste one minute of the only five he has. duh.

HAHAHAHAHAHA at the bum....ewww....if any bum did that to my car I'd kill them...

Nasty, Bum slime on the seats, I'd sell the car.

No, you didn't 'realise'. You 'saw' or you 'noticed'. Becoming aware of something in front of you is not a realisation. Also, as an Australian, learn to spell it correctly.

aero_fml 0

Mmm 'realize' is the American spelling. I prefer realise for some reason though... (being American) But then again, I spell it 'realization'. Weird.

"Becoming aware of something in front of you is not a realisation." The dictionary disagrees. (3) to conceive vividly as real : be fully aware of Becoming fully aware of something is not an example of becoming aware of something? Really, now - if you're going to be a vocabulary Nazi, then know what you're talking about before you talk about it.

Regardless, "realized" was used poorly in this FML.

I don't believe this one. If the ticket person was there to give you a ticket, they would have been there to see what you had to deal with, and I doubt they would have given you a ticket for that. BS.