By John - 15/11/2009 06:08 - Australia

Today, I parked my convertible in the 5 minute bay at the post office. When I came back out I noticed a bum in the front seat pretending to drive it. After shouting at him and pulling him out, he stumbled off. I was then slapped with a ticket for being parked longer than 5 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 489
You deserved it 6 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments


MGMavicster83 1

Did you think he might be saving you ass from a ticket?

If u can afford a convertible u can easily afford a ticket

#48 That's one of the most bull remarks I've ever read on this site! My convertible cost less than a lot of non-convertibles. Also when you're paying out for even the cheapest old run around no-one has money in their back pocket for stupid government scams like parking tickets- after paying extortionate council tax, road tax, insurance, fuel tax and service charges. I hope you have to take the bus everywhere.

That's what you get for leaving your car unlocked!

suzunaetsuko 7

You could hop in the car regardless.

suzunaetsuko 7

Five minute parking? What the hell?

CharlieKav 4

They're people you know... You shouldn't call them bums

isnobodyhere 32

"Vroooom! Look at me ma! I got me a fancy car!"