By ChrisD2V - 01/12/2011 03:52 - United States

Today, I photocopied several hundred pages of my school's textbook because I didn't want to buy it. My school later says to just buy it and it will be reimbursed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 862
You deserved it 33 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

m0tl3ycru3 0

Bind the photocopied pages together and sell it to the next un-informed student for cheaper.


charlieskiki 0

I'd say I'll buy you a few packages of blank paper and call it even ;)

SuperNinjaa 0

One time I was photocopying pages I SCANNED THEM and now they're forever saved in my computer without really wasting paper

What's all this talk about trees? Are books not paper all of a sudden. No matter how you look at it, photocopying a book or buying a book, either will consume trees.

needsagf14 12

Crunch some numbers and you'll realize the price of all the paper and ink will be close to or more than the price of the book.

i love how everyone says TREE KILLER when really lumber workers are killing em so the trees basically dead already

FreezeeMonsta 19

TREES! i just wanted to say trees cuz everyone else was..

muggle_born 6

geez what did the trees do to you?