By BOOMerang - 24/09/2009 21:39 - United States

Today, I played with a boomerang my first time. I didn't believe that when you threw it, it comes right back to you. It flew back all right. And broke my nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 432
You deserved it 45 455

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hollisterlover64 0


dcf17 0

theres no way this isnt real it happened to me when i was 5 but instead it knocked out a tooth and cut my tongue. and i am not making this up. because i hate when people make this stuff up and so i wouldnt

Fake. I'm Australian with extensive experience with Aboriginal Artifacts. 1.) Most boomerangs won't return to you. 2.) For the properly made ones, it requires *immense skill* to make it even come half way back to you. Its not something that you could even fluke.

Some boomerangs don't come back some do because they are designed like that the ones that do are made to scare animals and the ones that don't come back are for killing and all commercialy sold ones are ones that return but it takes heaps of skill to do it . So this FML is fake

ban4023 0

lol if ur so ugly it won't return

FAKE! Here's why: 1. I live in Australia and, like a lot of curious Aussie kids, I have/had a boomerang. They are extremely hard to master! It took me at least three weeks before I got the throw right. 2. I have, too, had the pleasure of being hit in the face by a boomerang. It was thrown by someone else, they were behind me and I turned at the wrong time. Needless to say, it hurt. But if your boomerang was heavy enough to break the cartilage in your nose then a broken nose would be the least of your troubles. I suffered massive facial damage (e.g. all the skin around my left eye and my nose being partially separated from my face and I had to have extensive plastic surgery. 3. You have to be a HUGE douche bag to throw a boomerang, watch it come back to you and let it hit you in the face. Work on your reflexes. So yeah. I rest my case.

Um... it doesn't take a lot of practice in order to make a boomerang return to you. I live in Australia, and in about Grade 3 our class went on a field trip to some Aboriginal camp and we each got to throw a boomerang. However, the guy explained all the dangers of it, and was irrationally paranoid that the boomerang would come back, hit me in the face and knock me out... neither of those things happened, but it did come back to me (Well, about halfway, anyway)

elizanena9 0

This is so fake i tried for ages to use a boomerang with an experienced teacher and i only managed to make it come back halfway

so... when you see something fly at your face you just stand there and let it hit you? you are ******* stupid