By FUCK.THIS.JOB. - 08/07/2013 05:57 - Finland - Helsinki

Today, I politely asked a man to not sleep on a tram stop that I had to clean. He got up, and while I leaned forward to pick up some trash from the ground nearby, I felt a warm stream on my back. Now I can't get the smell of urine off my clothes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 040
You deserved it 4 627

Same thing different taste

Top comments

allyrn13 12

Try vinegar! It should do the trick. This coming from experience with 2 little ones.


KiddoKS 19

Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the tram...

Oh I would have punched that A-hole right in the FACE! Job be damned!!

perdix 29

Did he Finnish? I guess you should be happy that the fluid he shot you with was just pee. Or insulted.

I'm siiiinging in the (yellow) rain

Wowxoxo 17

He's homeless; his life is probably worse than OP's.

In Texas that is assault. I would have stopped his unlawful aggression and taught him a lesson he'd never would have forgotten. God Bless Texas!

twaumat 28

Public service/contractor + polite = BULLSHIT.

You know in that situation you would not get fired for a kick in the balls

graceinsheepwear 33