By Badam - 30/03/2013 01:29 - France - Geaune

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend. She didn't say no, she didn't faint, and she didn't cry. She just stared at me blankly and said, "But... why...?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 227
You deserved it 4 096

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You wanted an honest reaction, I'm assuming. Perhaps she isn't ready to take that step. Nothing wrong with that.


If she asked "Why?" You are doing something very WRONG.

I feel bad for both of you honestly. It takes courage to ask a woman to marry you props for that!! But as a woman maybe she was caught off guard a little. Have you guys ever discussed marriage? But she didn't say no and run out crying. Maybe she just isn't sure yet which is perfectly fine. Better to wait than say yes and break your heart if she truly isn't ready.

audreyfml1994 15

Aww well she probably was just suprised.

DasHaas 9

Maybe she just doesn't care about getting married? Although if you're proposing to her and you have no idea about whether or not she cares about marriage, you might be doing it wrong anyway. :)

jem970 19

"I don't know why. After this I plead temporary insanity!"