By Badam - 30/03/2013 01:29 - France - Geaune

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend. She didn't say no, she didn't faint, and she didn't cry. She just stared at me blankly and said, "But... why...?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 227
You deserved it 4 096

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You wanted an honest reaction, I'm assuming. Perhaps she isn't ready to take that step. Nothing wrong with that.


She's probably shocked. Be lucky you aren't one of those guys whose girl says no and books it because they feel put on the spot. Good luck, I hope you get A yes, soon. This is one I'd like the OP reply too.

ergo_fml 13

How long have you been dating exactly? If it's been a few weeks that might clear up this FML right now.

No it really wouldn't. I agree if he proposed after a few weeks a less than excited response makes sense, but not one where the girl wonders why he's even asking. If it's too soon you don't ask why, you say it's too soon. It sounds like his girlfriend just doesn't take the idea of an actual commitment serious. He should move on.

and then....??? there has to be more to it haven't been together all that long ... you're both too young ...she's too young or maybe she's just not all that into you ...still no fun for you OP ...your time will come ...don't let this hold you back

It sounds like the girl doesn't think she's worthy of it, and asking why he loved her... Us girls work in strange me, I'd know O.o;

Chucklikesbacon 12

That sucks for you, sorry OP. But then again, propably she is just not ready yet, from what I've got, so just be patient, one day she might say yes.

sugarbear0727 19

If may have come as a surprise to her. I love my boyfriend, and I know I would be happy to spend the rest of my life with him, but I would question why he would want to marry me. Girls are strange creatures.

if thats all she has, you can do better. sorry OP

amogletree 6

I feel your pain. I think my girlfriend would say that too