By overachiever - 18/07/2009 21:35 - United States

Today, I proudly informed my boyfriend that I am now a size 4, down from an 18, after months of dieting and exercising after he told me he would like me to be a size 6. He broke up with me for "not listening to what he wanted" and "being an overachiever". FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 038
You deserved it 8 456

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a d bag. He should be grateful. Good job.

kmapes 0

Congrats on losing all that weight! You definitely deserve better than that treatment though.


Find someone who appreciates what you are now. He sounds lame.

stupiidx3 0

even if its bs or not congrats on losing that weight :] ps. to all those saying size 0-2 isnt healthy you're so wrong. im a size 0-1 and my BMI says im average for my height and weight so people like under size 2 isnt nasty skinny....

Wow, what a horrible, controlling person. The fact that you did it for him show how loyal and hard-working you are though, so you'll have no trouble finding someone who appreciates that.

___karina 0

So I'm guessing you and your "ex" are around the age of 13...?

You did a great job, Congrats! Don't listen to stupid boys who obviously do not deserve your time!

sexy_mamasita 0

I am so happy for you (on the weight loss that is). The stupid ******** is obviously undeserving of someone like you. I'm sure you will find someone much better.

I though about clicking FYL but it is really a great day for you. You have shown you have great will power, you are now slim and to top it off you are free from someone who is clearly controlling and not worth your time. Congratulations!

Wow, you're awesome! Congrats for sticking to your diet and exercise so adamantly. And you're better off without the idiot ex-boyfriend.