By Lifeless - 15/08/2010 08:42 - United States

Today, I put on makeup for a picture. My Facebook profile picture. That's how much of a life I actually have. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 632
You deserved it 33 663

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alicia_was_here 3

hows that mean you dont have a life?


So? It's only natural to want to look good for a photo. Lots of people do that.

*looks at my FML pic* For that picture I put on a tad of mascara...that's it. I look like shit any way. XD Oh well.

tannarox 0

the part of your face we can see is gorgeous, don't worry :)

Girl dont feel bad I too live n tx and have no life, and everybody i know puts on makeup 4 fb pix. U R NOT ALONE!!!

Monkeybutt1 0

I know tons of people who do that . Dint worry about it haha

smgboo 0

I've done that before, and I'm pretty sure I have a life.

keylinman 0

I know alot of girls who do that. My gf where's makeup all the time