By Anonymous - 29/06/2009 17:55 - Canada

Today, I put on my "fat jeans" because none of my other jeans fit. Neither do my fat jeans. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 894
You deserved it 46 644

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kels_bets21 0

what do you usually wear then ? because you don't just gain enough weight to fit nothing overnight.

I gained 80 lbs over know what helped me lose the weight? Exercise and not being online whining about my weight and reading fml. Unless you have a thyroid problem, or another medical condition, ydi!


Sounds like you should spend less time eating and wriing FMLs and more time working out.

hey number 103, being fat is not an accomplishment. You don't see me going around bragging about being a B student, do you? Get a life, and start moving and exercising.

CynicComedian 2

OP could normally be a size 1 or something and the "fat pants" are size 3. I'm not fat, but i normally wear a size 7 or 9. Just cause my hips are wide and my waist is small. Also, to the OP, wouldn't you have noticed your pants becoming a little too tight and there would be somewhere between them and the "fat pants"? That stuff doesn't happen in one day

oddrie44 0

im anorexic. u should try it. its empowering. we dont need food. of course i stopped eating for other reasons...but u have a good one too.

Cinnabar 0

It's probably empowering for you because you're so worthless you can't seem to control anything else in your life except what goes in your mouth. Maybe you should start applying yourself so you can become something someday instead of starving yourself. Sorry if I'm harsh, but it's much harsher that you're here encouraging people to kill themselves slowly just to lose weight or get a false sense of control.

Knotts 0

Yeah, you do need food. To live. So stop telling people to stop eating.

But, if OP IS actually fat, she (or he?) will muffin top over them and be even more embarrassed because they are wearing jeans that don't fit properly and everyone will know it. Getting higher rise jeans in the right size would be a much more appropriate idea. I know that I, for one, am a little disgusted by people who just want to make themselves feel better by squeezing themselves into clothes that don't fit and go out in public, just so they can say "I wear a size _" To which I would reply "Not well" OP, if you're really upset about it, work out. Wearing the size you want isn't easy and you have to work for it.

LMAOOOO! YOU Just Made My Daaay Thank YOu;and Its okay sweetie;; **** all The Haatterzz . If your okay with it; make everyone else okay with it XD Work those Extra Fatt Jeans!